Chinese 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 yuan bills and Russian 1,000 and 100 ruble bills - Sputnik International, 1920
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Russia to Begin Gas Supplies to China Via Far Eastern Route in 2027 - Gazprom CEO

© Sputnik / Alexander GalperinGazprom logo at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum
Gazprom logo at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum - Sputnik International, 1920, 28.06.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russian gas giant Gazprom will begin delivering 10 billion cubic meters of gas per year to China via the Far Eastern route starting 2027, with potential to become the largest gas supplier to China, Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller said on Friday.
"In 2027, the Far Eastern route will be launched for 10 billion cubic meters of gas per year. When the Power of Siberia [pipeline] and the Far Eastern route reach full capacity, Russia will become the largest gas supplier to China," Miller was quoted as saying by the company.
In 2023, Gazprom supplied 22.7 billion cubic meters of gas to China via the Power of Siberia, the main gas pipeline from Russia to China. It is expected to reach its full export capacity of 38 billion cubic meters of gas per year in 2025.
Power of Siberia pipeline - Sputnik International, 1920, 17.12.2023
Gazprom Sets New Daily Record for Gas Deliveries to China

A long-term contract for the purchase and sale of natural gas via the Far Eastern route was signed in early 2022. Once the pipeline reaches its full capacity, the volume of pipeline gas supplies from Russia to China will increase by 10 billion cubic meters and cumulatively reach 48 billion cubic meters per year.

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