- Sputnik International, 1920
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Foreign Mercs Say Ukraine ‘Is Hell and Nightmare’, Fleeing Country – Former Ukrainian Officer

CC0 / U.S. Army Europe Images / Alleged US mercenaries were seen in a night club in the city of Mariupol under Kiev's control, a Donetsk People's Republic military official said
Alleged US mercenaries were seen in a night club in the city of Mariupol under Kiev's control, a Donetsk People's Republic military official said - Sputnik International, 1920, 28.07.2024
Foreigners are leaving the Ukrainian armed forces en masse and criticizing service conditions, former Ukrainian Lieutenant Colonel Vasily Prozorov told Sputnik.
Unlike Ukrainian soldiers, who are mobilized indefinitely, foreign mercenaries sign their first military contract just for six months and reserve the right to terminate it at any time.
Ukrainian servicemen, getting into the army — everything is like in serfdom, until the end or until death," Prozorov said. "Only a foreigner has the right to break the contract and leave."
"Now there are a lot of videos on the Internet of foreign servicemen who fought for a month or two, saw what is really going on, and quickly ran away to their homeland, saying that it is hell here, it is a nightmare," the former Ukranian officer said. "Along the way, they did not forget to throw dirt at the Ukrainian command, which scams fighters out of money and uses the International Legion to fill in the gaps [of staff shortage].”
Prozorov elaborated that foreign mercenaries complain about the incompetence of the Ukrainian command, their cowardice and betrayal, as fighters were thrown into useless attacks and “meat grinds” under Russian artillery.
As a result, social media videos severely undermine the image of the Ukrainian army and Ukraine as a whole, discouraging potential mercenaries from ever travelling there.
Foreign mercs in Ukraine cover - Sputnik International, 1920, 26.07.2024
How Many Foreign Mercs Have Fought and Died in Ukraine

West Has Special Funds for Recruiting Mercenaries to Fight Against Russia

Prozorov alsonoted that under the auspices of NATO and the governments of the bloc's countries have set up special funds to recruit foreign fighters.

“There are several NATO-sponsored trust funds, under the auspices of some governments that have been created specifically to finance such activities [recruitment of mercenaries around the world]," he pointed out. "In particular, it can be said that there are several funds in Canada that pay and finance the participation of Canadian mercenaries fighting on the Ukrainian side.”

The officer believes that these funds mainly run on state money, but their purpose is to “hide” the fact that NATO countries partake in recruiting people.
It is the governments of Western countries that transfer money to non-governmental funds and trust funds, for example, the ones affiliated with NATO. And it is funds like these that sponsor such efforts,” he said.

Hundreds Who Share Nazi Ideology Have Come to Ukraine

Prozorov added that several hundred ideological Nazis from all over the world have joined the ranks of the Ukrainian army.

“Ideological Nazis, actual supporters of the Nazi ideology who come [to Ukraine] on their own initiative. They are specifically aiming to join the Nazi units, like the Right Sector*, he eye the Azov battalion**, because these units have those who share such views,” he told Sputnik.

3,000 Serve in the International Legion

Prozorov clarified that the International Legion was created in Ukraine shortly after the start of the special military operation by decree of Volodymyr Zelensky.
Today, the А-3449 military unit of Ukraine’s Main Directorate of Intelligence takes part in intelligence operations. There are some 3,000 foreign militants in its ranks.
Since Ukraine’s life as a country is now fully tied to media coverage and coming up with newsworthy victories, the International Legion is, first and foremost, a media project designed to show that the whole world is with us [with Ukraine],” Prozorov noted.
Hacker - Sputnik International, 1920, 26.07.2024
Russian Hackers Leak Data About 3,200 Mercenaries Fighting in Ukraine
*recognized as terrorist organizations and banned in Russia.
**a terrorist organization banned in Russia.
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