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Lavrov Weighs In on Russia-Ukraine Talks and Middle East Developments

© Sputnik / Ramil Sitdikov / Go to the mediabankRussian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov  - Sputnik International, 1920, 31.08.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has warned those who are trying to hinder peace talks between Russia and Ukraine that negotiations will become tougher as time passes.
"Russian President Vladimir Putin mentioned potential negotiations a year and a half ago. He said we had nothing against them... Opponents must understand that the longer they take, the harder it will be to agree on anything. It was easy to agree in Istanbul, less than a month after the start of our special military operation. But Ukraine did not want it," Lavrov said in an interview to the RT broadcaster for the documentary Bridges to the East.
The top Russian diplomat stressed that Ukraine joining NATO was non-negotiable.
A Ukrainian soldier helps a wounded fellow. File photo - Sputnik International, 1920, 10.08.2024
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Turkiye hosted several rounds of Russian-Ukrainian peace talks in Istanbul in March 2022, which ultimately failed. It also helped mediate the UN-backed Black Sea Grain Initiative in July 2022, which provided for safe maritime exports of Ukrainian food until it expired the following summer.

Russia, Iran, Turkiye and Syria Might Meet for Ankara-Damascus Talks

A meeting in the Russia-Iran-Turkiye-Syria format to normalize relations between Ankara and Damascus will take place in the foreseeable future, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.
He recalled that the parties managed to hold a meeting in 2023 with the participation of their respective defense and foreign ministries, as well as intelligence services, in an attempt to discuss conditions that could lead to the normalization of relations between Syria and Turkiye.
In this frame grab from video, an American military convoy is seen in the village of Khirbet Ammu, east of Qamishli city, Syria, Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2020. - Sputnik International, 1920, 11.08.2024
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"We are now proceeding from the expediency of preparing another meeting. I am sure it will take place in the foreseeable future. We are interested in our partners in Damascus and Ankara normalizing their relations," Lavrov said.
The Russian foreign minister added that the previous Russia-Iran-Turkiye-Syria meeting was useful, but the sides could not agree on the next steps.
"The Syrian government believes that in order to continue this process, it is necessary to clearly decide on the procedure for the eventual withdrawal of Turkish contingents from Syria. The Turks are ready for this, but so far it has not been possible to agree on specific terms. We are talking about the return of refugees, the measures necessary to suppress the terrorist threat, which will make the stay of the Turkish contingents unnecessary. All of this is in the works," the minister added.
Lavrov also expressed hope for dialogue between Damascus and the Syrian Kurds.

Russia and Israel in Сontact on the Situation Around Gaza

The Defense Ministries, Foreign Ministries and Security Councils of Russia and Israel are in contact with each other in light of the situation around the Gaza Strip, Lavrov said.
According to him, attempts to destroy the Palestinian movement Hamas in Gaza are absolutely futile. It is necessary to negotiate, since Hamas, as Lavrov noted, is part of the Palestinian people.

“We are in contact with our Israeli colleagues through the Foreign Ministry, and through the Defense Ministry, and through the Security Councils of the two countries. We are trying to convey the idea that the attempt to solve everything by force without any alternatives is a dead end,” Lavrov said.

Russia Helps Overcome Fragmentation in Iraq

He also said that Moscow is helping Iraqis to overcome the fragmentation in the country.

“Iraqis are managing to overcome this fragmentation, including strengthening their relations with the autonomous Kurdish area in the city of Erbil. We are facilitating these processes. We are working with both Baghdad and Erbil. I visited both there a few years ago,” Lavrov said.

The minister added that Russian diplomats visit these regions and hold events that help strengthen political stability in Iraq.

Iran Absolutely Doesn't Want to Get Involved in Large-Scale Hostilities

Russian Foreign Minister further stated that Iran categorically does not want to be drawn into any large-scale hostilities and give in to provocations

“Iran categorically does not want to give in to provocations, to be drawn into any large-scale hostilities. It is being tried to be provoked. The assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran at the inauguration ceremony of the new president is, of course, a provocation. Iran did not react then, but said it reserved that right because its territorial integrity, sovereignty were violated - a guest of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran was deliberately eliminated,” Lavrov said.

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