SU-30SM, SU-35S, and SU-34 flying in formation - Sputnik International, 1920
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Lavrov: Russia Sees NATO's Plans to Supply F-16s to Ukraine as Signal in Nuclear Sphere

© AP Photo / Toby TalbotIn this Dec. 2001 file photograph, an F-16 takes off with afterburners glowing loaded with live Sidewinder missiles from the Air National Guard base in South Burlington, Vt.
In this Dec. 2001 file photograph, an F-16 takes off with afterburners glowing loaded with live Sidewinder missiles from the Air National Guard base in South Burlington, Vt. - Sputnik International, 1920, 30.05.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russia considers the idea of a hypothetical convening of a peaceful international conference on the settlement of the Ukrainian conflict with the participation of both Moscow and Kiev as a possible continuation of China's efforts to create conditions for resolving this crisis, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told Sputnik.
"As for the idea of convening an international peace conference in a timely manner, which would ensure the equal participation of Russia and Ukraine and the discussion of all available peace initiatives, we regard it as a continuation of Beijing's efforts to create conditions for resolving the Ukrainian crisis. We share the position that, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate its root causes, ensure the legitimate interests of all parties," Lavrov said.
Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a parade marking Navy Day in St. Petersburg, Russia. - Sputnik International, 1920, 14.05.2024
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Future agreements on the settlement of the Ukrainian conflict must be based on the principle of equal and indivisible security, the minister added.
Lavrov also noted that Russia believes the US has become an accomplice to Kiev's crimes, when it comes to Ukraine's missile strikes on Russian cities.

"In the US national security strategy, Russia is called an immediate threat. The US and NATO explicitly say that their goal is to inflict a 'strategic defeat' on our country. In this context, the fate of the civilian population of Russian cities is not of interest to the White House, which has become an accomplice to the crimes of the Kiev regime," Lavrov said.

The United States is actually exacerbating the conflict in the Middle East by publicly declaring its commitment to a just solution to the Palestinian problem, Russian Foreign Minister added.
"The Americans continue to publicly speak about their commitment to a just solution to the Palestinian problem. At the same time, in practice, they plentifully add oil to the flame of the armed confrontation," Lavrov stated.
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Russia Sees NATO's Plans to Supply F-16s to Kiev as Signal in Nuclear Sphere

The Russian Foreign Minister further indicated that Russia will consider the supply of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine a deliberate signal action by NATO in the nuclear sphere.

"F-16 fighter jets have long been the main means of delivery in the framework of the so-called NATO joint nuclear missions. Therefore, we cannot but consider the supply of these systems to the Kiev regime as a deliberate signal action by NATO in the nuclear sphere. They are trying to make it clear to us that the US and NATO are ready for literally anything in Ukraine," Lavrov said.

At the same time, the supply of F-16 fighters would not change the situation on the line of contact in any way, the minister added.
"These jets will be destroyed, as well as other types of weapons supplied by NATO countries to Ukraine," Lavrov said.
He also stated that the drills on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons of Russian and Belarus should talk sense into western opponents about the consequences of escalation.
"We hope that the Russian-Belarusian drills held these days to practice the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons will bring our opponents to reason, reminding them of the catastrophic consequences of further progress of nuclear escalation," Lavrov said.
On Monday, the Belarusian Defense Ministry said that Belarusian and Russian air forces are conducting joint tactical flight drills on May 27-31.

Russia, China Stress Need to Increase Bilateral, Multilateral Defense Cooperation

Russia and China agree on the importance of increasing defense cooperation, not only on a bilateral basis but also in multilateral formats, Sergey Lavrov said.
"We share the opinion on the importance of increasing defense cooperation not only on a bilateral basis but also within the framework of multilateral formats. This understanding is set out in a joint statement signed following the visit of Russian President [Vladimir] Putin to China. Specifically, we are talking about expanding the scale of joint drills and combat training, conducting sea and air patrols, and developing the potential for joint response," Lavrov said.
The cooperation between Beijing and Moscow is not aimed against any third country, the minister said.
"Military cooperation with China is based on a high level of mutual trust. Russian-Chinese cooperation is aimed at strengthening international security and is carried out in accordance with the norms of international law. The combination of our efforts is not aimed against third countries. We and our Chinese friends are forced to take into account the negative military and political trends in the Asia-Pacific region and take measures to mitigate their consequences," Lavrov said.

Russia May Take Steps in Nuclear Deterrence If US Deploys Missiles in Europe, APAC

Russia, in addition to abandoning its unilateral moratorium on the deployment of shorter- and intermediate-range missiles, may take measures in nuclear deterrence if the United States deploys such missiles in Europe or the Asia-Pacific region (APAC), but the decision is up to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Lavrov said.
"The implementation by the Americans of plans to deploy ground-based shorter- and intermediate-range missiles will not be left without our response. In particular, in this case, the abandonment of unilateral self-restrictions introduced by Russia after the US withdrew from the INF Treaty [the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty] will be inevitable. We do not rule out additional measures in the area of nuclear deterrence: after all, US forward-deployed missiles will be able to hit command posts and deployment sites of our nuclear forces. Decisions in this regard are within the competence of the president of the Russian Federation," Lavrov said.
The deployment of US ground-based shorter- and medium-range missiles in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region "will create a serious security challenge for Russia," the minister said.
"And, by the way, this is a challenge not only for us. The joint statement following Russian President Putin's recent visit to China said that such destabilizing steps by the US pose a direct threat to both our country and China. That is why we, together with our Chinese counterparts, agreed to step up cooperation to counter Washington's irresponsible behavior that undermines international stability," Lavrov said.

Sooner or Later People That Care About Interests of Nation Will Appear in Ukraine, Lavrov Believes

Sooner or later such people will appear in Kiev that care for the interests of the nation, but it is currently difficult to imagine a dialogue on peace, taking into account the rule of the "war party" in Kiev, Sergey Lavrov said.
"Let us hope that sooner or later political forces will appear in Ukraine that care about the interests of the people. In the meantime, there is no other option but to continue the special military operation until its goals are achieved," Lavrov said.
Now, it is difficult to imagine a dialogue on peace, taking into account the rule of the "war party" in Kiev, the minister said.
"The 'war party' rules in Kiev, and it seeks ... to defeat Russia 'on the battlefield.' In such conditions, it is difficult to imagine a dialogue about peace," Lavrov said.

Russia Remains Open to Negotiations on Ukraine, But on Peace, Not Just Truce

Moscow remains open to negotiations on Ukraine, but it is about reaching peace, not a truce, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.
"We have repeatedly said, including at the highest level, that Russia remains open to negotiations," Lavrov said, adding "however, it must be clearly understood that we are talking about peace, not a truce."
Currently, it makes no sense to provide a pause in the conflict, which Kiev uses only to regroup and rearm the troops, the minister added.
"There is no point in giving the enemy a pause, which he once again uses to regroup and rearm," Lavrov said.

Lavrov Calls Expressing Position Directly to OSCE Sole Goal of Russia's Participation

The only purpose of Russia's current participation in the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is the possibility of expressing our position to other participants, Lavrov said.
"Perhaps the only goal of Russia's participation in the OSCE remains the opportunity to bring our position on topical issues directly before the other 56 participants, including those Western states that have 'frozen' dialogue with us in other formats," Lavrov said.
The consensus rule existing in the organization allows Russia to block proposals from unfriendly countries that do not suit Moscow, the minister added.
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