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Calls For 'End to Israel Aid' & 'Peace in Gaza' as Protests Grip Chicago DNC Venue

© AP Photo / Noah BergerProtesters march to the Democratic National Convention after a rally at Union Park Monday, Aug. 19, 2024, in Chicago.
Protesters march to the Democratic National Convention after a rally at Union Park Monday, Aug. 19, 2024, in Chicago. - Sputnik International, 1920, 20.08.2024
As crowds packing the venue of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago were subjected to a mushy farewell speech by Joe Biden, who sang the praises of his Vice President Kamala Harris, the tear-jerker performance was accompanied by quite a different gamut of emotions gripping thousands of protesters outside.
Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris made her speech on the first day of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois on August 19, 2024, against the backdrop of a sweeping protest outside the venue.
Crowds of protesters have converged on the city in an attempt to convey their demands during the DNC events running on August 19-22. There was even a group of protesters inside the convention venue, standing among the audience with their backs demonstratively turned while Joe Biden was touting his record as outgoing POTUS. The protesters held a sign that read, "Not Another Bomb" in reference to the soaring civilian death toll in Israel’s war on Hamas in Gaza.
Pro-Palestine demonstrations dominated the scene. Around 270 organizations from across the US are said to have joined the Coalition to March on the 2024 Democratic convention to support calls for an end to US support for Israel's war in Gaza and in defense of Palestinian rights.
The protesters blamed the current Democratic administration in the White House for the catastrophe in Gaza, and many in the crowd expressed their fears that if Kamala Harris wins the November election, she will carry on a policy of "defending Israel no matter what," according to media covering the demonstrations.
Police break up a demonstration during the Democratic National Convention Monday, Aug. 19, 2024, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Noah Berger) - Sputnik International, 1920, 20.08.2024
Protesters Briefly Breach Security Fencing at DNC
At one point, protesters briefly breached the security perimeter around the United Center, but the situation was quickly brought under control, a Chicago Police Department spokesperson told Sputnik.
On Tuesday, a memorial is to be held by protest groups outside the United Center for both the Palestinians and Israelis who have died since the escalation of hostilities.

Israel gets over 70% of its arms from its biggest supplier, the US, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Meanwhile, since Israel's war in Gaza escalated last October, by June 19, 2024, 37 396 people had been killed in the Gaza Strip, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, as reported by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

As for the actual events of the DNC's day one, the key takeaways were a tearful Joe Biden, who "passed over the torch" to Kamala Harris (set to formally accept the presidential nomination on Thursday, the last day of the convention), Biden waxing pompous, claiming democracy is at stake in November’s election, and urging voters to reject Trump, calling him a “loser.”
Photos of an apparently great number of empty seats dominating the DNC venue arena designed to accommodate 23,500 quickly spread on social media, with some quipping in the comments that, "This is not the turnout of a party that can win."
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