SU-30SM, SU-35S, and SU-34 flying in formation - Sputnik International, 1920
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US Creating Logistic Centers in Black Sea to Speed Up Arms Supplies to Ukraine - Kremlin Aide

© George ChernilevskyThe Project 1164 Slava-class guided missile cruiser Moskva, formerly the Slava, flagship of Russia's Black Sea Fleet.
The Project 1164 Slava-class guided missile cruiser Moskva, formerly the Slava, flagship of Russia's Black Sea Fleet. - Sputnik International, 1920, 25.07.2024
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The United States wants to create logistics centers in the Black Sea region to speed up arms supplies to Ukraine and deploy long-range weapons, Russian presidential aide Nikolai Patrushev said on Thursday.
"In the countries of the Black Sea region, the United States intends to create logistics centers to accelerate the supply of weapons to Ukraine, as well as to deploy modern long-range weapons," Patrushev said.
At the Washington summit, NATO demonstrated plans to increase its military presence and intensify confrontation in the Black Sea, the official added.
There can be no talk of unhindered passage to the ports of the Sea of Azov by ships of Western countries supporting Kiev, the aide noted.

"Given the aggressive nature of Western countries that directly support the Kiev regime in conducting military and terrorist actions against Russia, currently any unhindered passage of their ships to the ports of Azov is out of the question," he emphasized.

The Russian Navy Caesar Kunikov landing ship is seen during an amphibious assault exercise along the coast held by army corps and naval infantry units of the Russian Black Sea Fleet at the Opuk training ground near Kerch, Crimea, Russia. - Sputnik International, 1920, 10.07.2024
Why Does NATO See the Black Sea as a Key Strategic Prize?

Last month, the countries that signed a joint communique following the Swiss-hosted summit on Ukraine have called for providing access to sea ports in the Black and Azov seas to ensure global food security.

The number of joint exercises between the Japanese navy and NATO countries and other military allies of Washington in 2024 has already increased 30 times compared to last year, Patrushev added.
"The number of bilateral exercises between the Japanese navy and the navies of NATO countries and other US military allies in 2024 has already increased 30 times compared to 2023," he said.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the development of advanced maritime robotic systems to combat unmanned vessels, Nikolai Patrushev mentioned.

"The head of state outlined the directions for creating advanced systems and types of weapons, military and special equipment, including naval robotic systems and technologies to counter unmanned vessels," he said.

Patrushev added that Russia was entering a new stage in the development of its navy, highlighting the need for a high-quality fleet that would surpass the technological capabilities of other maritime nations.

Putin held a meeting on shipbuilding at the end of June.

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